Friday, May 20, 2016

Lun-ey Bin

We are in for a Lun-ey weekend.

Just went out to the mailbox and noticed the full moon. I pretty much sprinted back to the house. You just never know what brings the snakes and coyotes out in our neighborhood!

Naturally, I braved the "elements" to capture a few photos. I guess I thought my deck was "gool" – remember that from childhood games of tag?

 A view through the tree branches in the front yard.

And a view on my tippy-toes trying to hold the camera steady. (No, this was not my phone camera!)

Carter is having a fire in the backyard with some friends. Hopefully the full moon doesn't add a wild element to the gathering! Though I don't think teenagers need an excuse, do they?

Hubby was gone tonight. They had their last regular-season baseball game up in Marathon. Yes, it was a gorgeous day to play – and watch, I'm sure, but I had a few things I needed to get done so I can enjoy the weekend. It's Assumption's Royal Event weekend so we've got some things happening tomorrow and Sunday.

I did manage to squeeze in a 3-mile run tonight. And nothing was chasing me. No snakes. No coyotes. No werewolves. Just my list of "things to do" in the back of my mind.

Should probably get back at it before the silence is interrupted by howling... or laughter and talking, at least.

Be careful out there!

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