Friday, May 6, 2016

Nineties Girl

Mother Nature's hot flashes aren't always a bad thing. It was nice to get some heat delivered on a Friday after several cool and sporadically rainy days.

When the forecast called for 80-some degrees, I thought I better dig out the capris and shave the legs. Capri pants are awesome because it's the closest thing to wearing shorts to work.

Unless you are vertically challenged like me.

The struggle is real, folks. I probably could get away with wearing those so-called Bermuda shorts. Those would fall below my knee where the capri should be! Either way, I wore the short pants and was glad I did. When it was 70 by 11 a.m. and a co-worker and I were out for a walk break, I decided it would be a good day to cut out early.

I had "won" 30 bonus minutes awhile back and hadn't cashed them in yet. So I did today. Left at 4 p.m. and headed home to multi-task: mowing, walking and tanning. It can be done. At that point it was 88 degrees and inched up to 90 when I was cutting the front lawn. It sort of felt like it could have been 90, but I was reveling in it!

When I was done I wondered when I'd ever cool off! But I wasn't complaining. No way, Mother Nature. Was not complaining.

Had a cool shower and was back to normal body temperature just a few hours later!

Just in time for a neighborhood fire. Not kidding. You'd think it would be too hot but it cooled off for the evening and will get back down to 50s tonight. Plus, when you hang out with cool kids, you can't get overheated.

We leave the hot flashes to Mother Nature. Did I mention I am not complaining about that? Not at all. You do what you gotta do. It's Mother's Day weekend after all.

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