Friday, May 27, 2016

And So It Begins...

May 27 has become a sad date for me and my family. Three years ago today, Dad passed away after struggling for endless months with everything from shingles to congestive heart failure. It made sense when I awakened why Dad was in my dreams this morning.

So I started off the day a bit sad and nostalgic...

You can click on the picture to view it larger. Or, the words are here:

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye.
I’ll never forget the day we said goodbye.
Thank you for visiting often in my dreams
You have a message for me it seems.
You’ve got my back. You’re there for me.
You’ll always watch over my little family.
Miss you, Dad, but know you’re free from pain.
And some day far down the road we’ll meet again.

Obviously, the day could only go up hill from there. I was a maniac with my errand running. Had chiropractor appointment followed by much-needed trigger-point therapy. Then stopped at work to drop off some grad party invites I designed. From there, since it was just after noon, I think you know where I went next...

I actually go grief from a friend of mine for not being one of the first 3 customers, since he was in the door first! Still, I made it within the first 45 minutes. Great to see a full parking lot. I am happy to share... the experience, not my ice cream.

From there it was more running around, ShopKo, Wal-Mart, etc. Stopped home to empty the car and my sister Rayna and brother-in-law Paul were already in town. I grabbed Rayna and she and I went to pick up the party cake. Got home, put her to work in the kitchen while Mom (who rode down with them), supervised.

In the late afternoon, right around the time of Dad's death three years ago, the three of us shared a group hug. Rayna lived in Texas at the time so we were the two calling on our cell phones to say goodbye during his last breaths. Felt nice to share the moment with family today.

Tonight the five of us plus Carter plus my sister Romey and brother-in-law Rick (who just got into town about then) went out to eat at The Ridges. They are staying at hotel and Mom is staying here. I hooked her up to the TV while I went down to iron Carter's graduation gown. Did you know that takes an hour and 45 minutes to do?

Good grief. I should have done that one of those nights I was avoiding my to-do lists. No more chances now. Diploma will be in hand in 12 hours!

And so it begins...


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