Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Rain Dates

You know who really needs rain? Canada. If they had rain like we did today, maybe it would help douse a few wildfires.

But instead, we got it steadily here in central Wisconsin, where it's been dry, but not AS dry as way Up North, eh.

So that meant baseball and softball games were called off and rescheduled. Of course now, towards the end of the season, we have to reschedule conference matchups which, in turn, bump  nonconference games off the schedule (even if they were a rain date from earlier in the season).

Yep, spring sports and Mother Nature do not always mix.

On the other hand, the rain forced me inside to work, then come home and work on a few design projects. And simultaneously catch up on some Orange is the New Black. (I have to multi-task, you know!) I watched the first half of season 3 last summer then waited until now to watch the second half so it is fresh in my mind when season 4 is released in June.

We have become a society of binge watching, haven't we? God bless (or curse) Netflix.

Some people – like maybe my father-in-law or my brother-in-law – watch baseball every day because they are retired and they can. But binge watching is trying to catch a whole season of a show – or maybe 5 seasons – in as short a time span as possible so you are on pace with everyone else who has been watching it all along.

If we have another rainy night, I will probably finish my season 3 of OITNB. Then I'll have to impose my own "brain delay" so I can get more important things done around here before season 4 – and before jumping into a few other series I wouldn't mind viewing.

It goes without saying that none of these shows are as exciting as watching those handsome Assumption coaches and our Royals at bat!

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