Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Being Bad for a Good Cause

This morning at my Weight Watchers meeting I hit my 10% loss mark. That means I received a little silver charm and a rousing round of applause. When our leader asked, "So what are you going to do to celebrate?" I responded, "I'm going to Taco John's."

Probably not the answer she expected. But as I explained to her and the group, it's OK to be bad for a good cause.

If you recall from a previous blog, on April 27, an unfathomable and devastating tragedy took place in our small town in central Wisconsin. As a result of the double murder-suicide, the community is grieving for the loss of three lives, and for the shattering impact it has on countless others – none more than a mother whose whole world was turned upside down in an instant when her young children (pictured above) were killed.

Details can be found here:

There are no words to express the deep sadness we feel for Amanda, the surviving mother. But to help her cover expenses during this difficult time, several fundraisers have been set up in the Wisconsin Rapids area.

Today our Taco Johns pledged 20% of its sales to Amanda. We put in quite an order for people from work and when we drove over to get it, we couldn't even get in the parking lot. The drive-thru line went around the building and out on the street, and the parking lot was full, too. Inside, the ordering area was jam-packed, too. What a great show of support. In addition to food orders, they also had a donation bucket at the counter which was filling up fast.

As I had previously mentioned, I only know people connected to Amanda and the family. I don't know her personally, but as a mother, my heart breaks for her. Going off my Weight Watchers plan for the day does not even qualify as a sacrifice. I wish there was more I could do, and maybe there will be at some point. For now, I'll support the fundraisers or any other projects aimed to help her survive.

I don't know how I could!!

If you local readers couldn't make it to TJ's today, you can still donate at Paper City Savings in Wisconsin Rapids (checks payable to Amanda Bohn) or here:

It was amazing to witness so much love and support today. I hope it continues AND I hope people count their blessings. I know I do! It's the best part of the day.

Even better than Potato Oles. Thank you, God!

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