Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Deer-ly Beloved

We aren't the only ones who dislike the end of Daylight Saving Time. Our cars don't either. And, well, the deer probably aren't smart enough to realize they shouldn't like it.

I know the mighty hunters in the Midwest are excited to see deer as the gun-deer hunting season gets under way. Not me. I am not a mighty hunter. Just a mighty driver.

With good brakes, I might add.

Tonight after work, I got home and changed quickly into my kickboxing gear. Was leaving the house at 5:15 p.m. so obviously it was almost dark – that hard to see transition period after dusk. And what to my wondering eyes should appear... in our front yard was 2 or 3 deer. Sorry, folks. Our one-acre lot is not ideal hunting land.

I was not a mile down the road when I had to slam on my brakes for another deer ready to cross my path and/or meet its untimely demise. Thankfully my sharp intake of breath and possibly audible squeak scared it back into the ditch and the woods.

Meanwhile, the contents of my purse and my gym bag are on the floor in front of the passenger seat and a CD sitting in the back seat is now under the driver's seat. Thank goodness I wasn't transporting anything heavy or sharp or dangerous or even fragile.

Perhaps I better take that "Buckle Up" message to a new level. Much like an airplane, the contents of the car may shift en route.

As daylight hours continue to dwindle, be safe out there, my fellow drivers.

As for you suicidal deer.... Headlights bad. Blaze orange bad. Beyond that, you're on your own.

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