Sunday, November 20, 2016

More Prepping for the Holidays

If I knew it was this easy to prep for Thanksgiving, I would volunteer to host the Austin side of the family every year. I just put turkey on the grocery list and here they are! Free delivery!

Of course, when I tried to corral them to the kitchen, they sort of bolted. Good thing I have my Buttterball back-up plan in place!

I honestly was sort of on a roll with prep work today. Well, after church, work and that long overdue Vikings win, that is.

My new two-step treat I attempted to make was sort of a fail. But I did a "work around" and they'll be fine. Not pretty, but still tasty. Got my other Cookie Exchange items done, too, and in the freezer. Check that off the list!

Since I was in holiday spirit, again, I went to pick up our wreath from our friends who own and operate Arndt's Tree Farm. They are the ones who babysat Carter 'til he was in high school. Well, close. They do great work and will be set up down by Kwik Trip on 8th Street during the holidays! Put the big 4-foot wreath up and moved on to the next holiday project.

Managed to get all of Carter's and Jim's Christmas presents wrapped. What we have anyway. There's always a chance more will be added... if they are good!

About the Christmas card... No. Did not do anything, but did have a photo fall quite literally into my lap...

Yup, church directory photos are in! Weird to see it without Carter but at least now I can show off my trophy husband without any distractions.

My productivity slowed down as the sun went down and darkness forced that fake bedtime into my thoughts. Still got some work done for two committees I serve on, but am calling it a wrap. Felt good to cross of plenty from my holiday season "to do" list, but I should probably leave some for another day.

Would hate to have free time to sit on my butt, watch Hallmark movies and drink eggnog, said Robyn. Never.

Plus I found a new way to make some extra cash during the holidays. Apparently I was enjoying my gift-wrapping duties because Jim suddenly says, "I'll give you a dollar if you stop humming."

Bah humbug!