Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Democratic Process

Judging by the lines waiting at polling places before 7 a.m., America was ready to vote today!

This was the view at our township municipal building on my way to work. The pre-work crowd was lined up around the outside of the building so I went later before the pre-lunch crowd. Still had a bit of a wait, but not more than 10 minutes.

Deed done, then back to work.

Now, hubby and I have been watching the results roll in and the "projections" called on the various television news stations. I don't know what goes into making a projection, but I would be no good at it. As a former newspaper reporter and editor, we had to have the final numbers in hand to report anything. Even then it was still the "unofficial total" until the votes were canvassed the next day.

Part of me misses that election night excitement in the newsroom. Most of me, though, is glad I can go to bed and not worry about it. At this point, we did what we could do. My vote counted. Jim's vote counted. First-time voter Carter's vote counted. And now we move on.

Regardless of who wins, let keep this in mind...

If I had my own slogan, it would be "Make America Kind Again." I think we all need that.

Thanks for playing.

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