Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I'll Have a Blue Turkey Day....

Since hubby was over in the Twin Cities today taking Boy #1 Christmas shopping, I had hoped the white precipitation would hold off. Earlier, he texted that it was mostly rain in the Cities. Now, though, I imagine it's quite the mix of stuff since it just started here.

Although I am not a fan of the snow, it does look pretty when it reflects our blue porch lights we have lit to honor law enforcement.

You can kind of see the snow in this picture. And, I'm sure, can almost hear Elvis singing, "I'll have a blue Christmas without you..."

In this case, a blue Thanksgiving. Either way, this is what Sylvester thinks about it...

"Snow already? Wake me when it's spring."

And I couldn't agree more.

Be careful out there! May your holiday travels be safe, your pie delicious and your family time rewarding!

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