Monday, November 21, 2016

Let's Be Brief

Some encouragement for those of you who may have started off Monday on a rough note. Not to mention names, but maybe Packer fans?

I did not intend to stay up late for the game. I was in bed long before it ended, but Carter didn't call until then so I HAD to stay up for that. I hadn't heard his voice in a week so that was needed! He's doing well. I think I mentioned it last week that he had Pink Eye. He's doing fine now and he only managed to pass it along to 4 people. Uff da.

I won't blame him that I was tired this morning, but for some reason when I shut the alarm off, my body shut itself off, too, and went back to sleep. Nothing gets the adrenaline going like awakening at 7:22 a.m. when you need to be at work at 8 a.m.

Good times.

I didn't quite snap out of it, despite loads of caffeine. Was tired. Didn't help that work was long and busy again. But that's why they call it work, right?

Thank goodness for 3-day weeks. I think I can handle two more days at the office and two evenings of getting ready for hosting on National Overeating Day. Plus I have to remember to change our scales!

So much to do. So little time. Gotta stay focused.

Oh look! Pie!

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