Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Home

It's fitting that we got to spend Veterans' Day with a veteran. And his mother.

My twin sister Raylene and her son Tony, who served in the Army in Iraq a few years back, are staying on Blue Jay Drive tonight. Raylene is here for the weekend to vend at a Holiday Expo in town tomorrow. Tony is here for quite a bit longer.

For the foreseeable future, our home is this veteran's home.

Tony has not had an easy time since his tour of duty ended. Sadly, his story is not unique. He has made poor choices but also paid the consequences for those. Over the past two-plus years, he has gotten some help and some inspiration. Now, he is ready to move on to a new chapter. A better chapter. A fresh start.

Jim and I are hoping we can help him do that. We're not perfect and our home isn't perfect and our lives aren't perfect. Our outlook is cautiously optimistic. But our love for our nephew is unwavering. And our faith is strong.

During this transition to true freedom, we are giving him a roof over his head. A safe environment. Love and support. And prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.

Right now, we aren't looking down the road to see how far he has to go. We are taking this one day at a time and will hopefully teach him to do the same.

We welcome prayers for us all. Please don't judge him by his past. He doesn't live "there" anymore. He lives here now. Be sure to say hello. He is one of the lucky ones who made it back. We should appreciate that.

God, please bless all the men and women who have served or are serving to protect our freedoms and our right to second chances.

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