Wednesday, November 30, 2016

ISO: Ding Dongs

Despite the rain and above-freezing temperatures, the Salvation Army Christmas Campaign is in full swing. Quite literally. And they are in search of a few ding dongs besides me to help raise money this holiday season.

Can't quite recall when I started bell ringing. I think 6 or 7 years ago when Carter was in middle school. It was a way for us to donate our time for a good cause, while getting service hours for him and mommy-son time for me. Since that first season, I have been on the automatic call list so I always hear from the local coordinator by November to sign up for some shifts.

Tonight was my first. Since deer hunting is over, Robyn the Red-Nosed Reindeer could come out of hiding and ring that bell!

Is it obvious I enjoy what I am doing and have no qualms about embarrassing myself? I bet Carter misses doing this with me this year! Right.

Sometimes you have to do something to make people notice you. They can hear that annoying bell and walk right by. But if I am playing Christmas music on my phone and wearing a goofy hat, they'll at least break their stride, say "Nice hat" and usually plop some money in the bucket or tell me they'll catch me on the way out. And they do.

I say "thank you" but it does feel weird saying "Merry Christmas" already. Mother Nature and I aren't ready for that.

That might be part of the problem plaguing the volunteer centers. People aren't thinking Christmas. People aren't thinking Red Kettle. In the Wisconsin Rapids area alone, 1,458 shifts have been filled this season. You know what? There are still 3,032 time slots available! The are so desperate for volunteers, they have even made one-hour shifts available in some places instead of the usual 2-hour stand. I'm guessing we aren't the only locale experiencing the need for ringers this year.

To see what's available, go to and select your state and town. For South Wood County folks, you can check online as well or call the coordinator, Stacy Wills, at 715-697-9552.

Grab some friends or your kids or classmates and ring. Sing some songs, play some music, dress in costume. Or just ring.

It can be your Christmas gift to the nearly 30 million Americans who receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. About 82 cents of every dollar spent is used to carry out those services in 5,000 communities nationwide.

That takes a lot of ringing. A lot of "doing the most good."

I still have a few shifts on my schedule. You are welcome to join me or, better yet, do your own. My reindeer hat or collection of Santa hats can be borrowed any time.

Thank you. And Merry Christmas!

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