Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Inner Strength

As we close out the Month of Gratitude, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge how blessed I am. Today.

And today is all we really have. I don't want to go back to yesterday and tomorrow is never known or promised.

I have learned through this crazy journey called life that I have to take life one day at a time. Maybe one hour at time on those particularly stressful days. I'm sure you know what I am talking about.

I don't always practice what I preach. I don't always takes things one day at a time. I often look too far down the road and stress over how I can control the whole journey.

I am not perfect. Merely a work in progress. I am human. And I am a survivor.

I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path. I define myself by the courage I found to forge new roads. It's amazing what inner strength you can uncover when you need it. I have so many people on my prayer list, including people overcoming overwhelming battles. I admire their strength and wonder how can they handle that? Then I remember some of my own struggles and have the answer. We don't do it alone.

We have God. We have family. We have friends.

I'm eternally grateful for them all. When we focus on gratitude in November and make an extra effort to count our blessings, rarely are we looking at things in our life. We – or I at least – look at people. The people who give us joy, hope, sometimes tears, but always love to fuel my inner strength.

If you haven't carved out a few moments this month to count blessings in your life, please do so. When you think of how little you may have, remember there are people who would thrilled with how much you have. Count the blessings. Count the people. And, if you can live life one day at a time, each day brings a new opportunity for gratitude. For love. For blessings.

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