Monday, November 7, 2016

Voting Early and Often

Had to borrow a little religion from Orange Is The New Black's character Pennsatucky. Hallelujah, indeed.

Even though our phones may be ringing tomorrow with last-ditch efforts from candidates and the commercials may still air, at least there is an end to the madness in sight.

And despite the loony campaign season, I am grateful to live in a country where we do have the freedom of choice. We can vote. It will count. But our candidate still may not win. What a privilege, though, to participate!

Tonight I started voting early and often...

Nothing illegal. It was the live show on The Voice. And while I did pick my favorites, they aren't all moving on. Again, that's just part of the process. And, as a consolation, there is a lot of great talent that was chosen.

Let's hope we can say the same in some 24 to 36 hours, right? And for each of us, that perception will be different.

I don't expect the world's going to end or anything. If it does, at least my blog career would end on an interesting number. Yup, this is blog entry number 3,333. That's a heckuva lot of expression of free speech in this great country!

Uff da. I think my term limit is just about up.

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