Monday, November 14, 2016

From a Distance

Before the World Wide Web, did we have all these special moons? Or did we just not know about them?

I think in the past year alone, I took decent photos of the Red Moon, a Blue Moon, a Harvest Moon and some form of Lunar Eclipse. This week the big hub-bub is about the Super Moon, also called the Beaver Moon. (I swear I read that on the Internet, so it must be true!)

Apparently, this is the closest the moon will be to us until 2034. Frankly, to the naked eye it doesn't seem that much different than a regular full moon. But there have been some amazing photos of it online that I almost think were Photo-shopped... or maybe some people have really, really, really nice cameras!

I took the photo above with my smart phone camera. Nothing fancy. Just wanted to capture history before the cloud cover took the opportunity away. And, although the moon still is very far away, in my mind it brings me closer to loved ones who are also far away, but gazing at the same sky.

Although my long-distance baby might not see it too clearly tonight. Nothing to do with the clouds. He apparently has Pink Eye (again) in both eyes. He's an expert now at recognizing the signs. But now – as an adult – he has to deal with it on his own. Get to the clinic himself and the pharmacy, etc.

Empty Nesters will tell you it is not easy parenting from a distance. While our boy is only 3 hours away by car, there are times, he might as well be as far away as that Super ball in the sky. He might be fine with the arrangement, but I still want to mother him when he's sick. OK, I'll be honest, I just want him to need me – and not just because he's under the weather!

I'm sure seasoned Empty Nesters will tell me that this is the new reality. I guess I will have to cherish those moments when I still get to be Mom. Hopefully they will come along more often than once in a Blue Moon.

That would be Super.

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