Thursday, November 24, 2016

Football, Food and Family

Hosting Thanksgiving is not that stressful when you think about the nice rubdown and time in the sauna. Not stressful for humans anyway.

Actually, the day went smoothly. Got up early to get turkey breasts in the oven. Found my blaze-orange hat and took a walk. Watched the Vikings lose to the Lions in a close one. Took Turkey breasts out of oven, sliced them and put slices into the crockpot.

Everything else had to wait until later. Even then, it wasn't too stressful. Got the corn, mashed potatoes and gravy all done about the same time. Jim's sister brought buns, our brother-in-law made rice pudding, Jim's mom brought coleslaw and her famously yummy dressing.

Good stuff followed shortly by a food coma.

We were so full, I almost forgot to serve the pie!

It was a nice, but small gathering. Jim's parents, sister and her husband, their son Colin and his fiance Amy. Oh, and Carter, too. Casey had to work yesterday and has to work early for Black Friday so that just wasn't going to work for him to make it home. Clay has a DJ gig of sots in Fargo.

While the numbers at the Kids' Tables are dwindling, Carter and Colin definitely did their part!

After the guests left, Carter and I did a little pre-Black Friday shopping at ShopKo and Wal-Mart. Now he's got a few high school friends over and my coma is about to set in, big time

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you, God, for blessing the food before us, the family beside us, and the love between us.

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