Tuesday, December 26, 2017

12 Degrees of Christmas

Cold Snap. Arctic Front. Frozen Tundra.

In a word – or two – it's freakin' freezing! Woke up to some 12 degrees below zero with a windchill making it twice that cold. Oh what I'd give to stay snuggled under the blankets! Those lumps of coals from Santa are clearly underrated.

Ironically, on the way to work I passed a truck with Alaska plates. I thought, poor guy, I bet he wasn't expecting it to be warmer back home than in Wisconsin. But it was.

Uff da.

At least it was sunny so you had the sensation (inside looking out) that it was a glorious winter's day. So thankful for a desk job on days like this. Bless you people who work outside. I am much too much of a wimp for that.

In fact, I determined on my commute today that my heated leather seats are not a luxury, but a necessity. I almost wish I had a heated steering wheel. But my new Vikings mittens are doing a pretty good job of heating things up.

Unfortunately, with only a handful of folks back in the office this week, there wasn't anyone to brag to. Based on the long-range forecast, though, I think I'll have plenty of time yet.

As an added bonus, if it starts to feel like Hell is freezing over, there's an even better chance my Vikings will go all the way.

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