Saturday, December 30, 2017

Orange You Glad We Won?

When the temp and windchill are still well below zero, it's a good time to stay inside and watch TV. And I would guess a good portion of Wisconsin was tuned into the Orange Bowl tonight.

Hubby and I went to a viewing party at our friends' house. We had quite a crowd decked out in Badger red and white. If you watched the game, you also know our gathering was loud. Lots of cheering, jeering and, thankfully, high fives!

So glad Wisconsin came back to win! The victory meant the Badgers won 13 games for the first time in program history. And it meant the Big Ten is flawless in bowl games this year. So far.

Fun time celebrating and jumping around!

We even put a homemade "turnover chain" on their dog Prince. I think he just wants to party with Bucky some day.

Who doesn't? It was a great, non-holiday opportunity to see friends, laugh and, you know it, eat!

Many of us will repeat that cycle for New Year's Eve tomorrow night. Stay warm, my friends. It seriously is going to be frigid for the rest of the year. If you get cold, "Jump Around" like a Badger fan.

Jump up, jump up, and get down...

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