Wednesday, December 6, 2017

'Tis Arrived

Well, it's finally arrived. The freezing temperatures... the snow... and the cold season. Could do without all three at once, that's for sure.

Hubby was suffering this weekend and I was careful – as the Grinch song says – to not touch him with a 10-foot pole. But, I probably got breathed on somewhere along the line. Or maybe germs floated over cubicle walls a work. Either way. I am drugged up and going to hit the hay, pronto.

Was a long day, even for the healthy. I went over to Marshfield for Jim's cousin's funeral at noon. Saw lots and lots of family you'd much rather see at a happy event, of course. But we don't think about that as a priority when there is one, do we? Was just super sad to see loved ones hurting. Large crowd so you know Jody touched a lot of lives in one way or another.

Jim had given his parents a ride so they were able to stay for the burial and lunch. I had to head back to work. From there, I did some bell ringing again. It was quite cold and windy and, as you can see from the photo, a bit snowy, too. Glad I stopped at ShopKo on the way there to pick up some long underwear!

From there I went to choir practice and managed to contain my cough and runny nose for the most part. Our big Christmas Cantata performances are Sunday so I better take this rest and healing process pretty seriously.

Should have gotten some medicinal eggnog on the way home. Dang. Next time.

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