Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Angells

Back in the fall of 1988, these two "Angells" met when they were on staff at Angell Hall at UW-La Crosse. I was a resident assistant (RA) and Liz was the assistant hall director, living a few doors down.

How can that be 29 years ago when we don't look a day over 29?

Ha. Play along, kids.

Although Liz lives in New Jersey and grew up in Milwaukee, she has ties to Wisconsin Rapids since her sister and family live here. She gets to the area once every few years. We just realized the last time we saw each other was actually seven years ago when our boys were much younger. Carter was 12 and her son was 7. Time flies.

This week, since she's staying with her sister for the holidays, we made sure to connect. Tonight I picked her up and we enjoyed a typical Wisconsin Friday night fish fry and much conversation. It was so awesome to see her and catch up.

And, thanks to social media, we could reach out to five other Angells we're still in touch with and let them know we were thinking about them (and maybe talking about them, too).

Yup, just two college girls out on the town. Both home by 8:30 p.m. and likely in bed by 10 p.m.

Not that we're old. Angells need their rest, that's all.

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