Thursday, December 7, 2017

Charting Gratitude :: Fifth and Final

Not sure how I missed the end of November, but I skipped the conclusion of Gratitude Month and went straight into the Whine About Cold and Darkness Month. Let me back track so I can finish my chart for days Nov. 28-30. Can't say I remember much about those particular days but I'll make it work...

28. What small thing that happened today are you grateful for?

Well I know the 28th was a stressful day because I was working on two freelance projects and wasn't getting all the materials I needed in order to complete the jobs on time. I am thankful that I was able to meet my deadlines despite that. And thankful for those others to recognize that and help me make it happen. When I do work for people in other parts of the country, it's sometimes like working with people from a different planet. But I suppose quite often, I am considered the redneck alien!

29. What friend/family member are you grateful for today?
On the 29th, I know I was particularly grateful for my hubby and all of his years of standing by me and loving me, through thick and thin. I was and am grateful for a circle of family and friends, too, who always have my back.

30. What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for?
Let's see, on the 30th I was so talented I could get stuck in an elevator! But beyond that. I was celebrating one month at my new job and, I gotta tell you, I love it. It was the best move for me and a great fit for my talents and skills... among them, writing and thinking creatively. I'm very excited about this next chapter. Even if I have to take the stairs to make it work!

Hope you found plenty of moments in November that made you stop and thank God. And with the holidays – and potential for stress – I hope December is even better. Slow down and be grateful. It can be the most wonderful time of the year.

If we let it.

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