Sunday, April 28, 2019

Day of Rest

I bet you're thinking Mr. World Traveler needed a day of rest. I thought the same thing. But he was up at 10:30 a.m. and hoping to stick to a "normal" sleep schedule. I'm guessing any minute now, when it feels like 3 a.m. to his body, he'll hit a wall.

Then again. He's young and he'll bounce back much more quickly than his old mother!

We purposely left this day open on the calendar just in case he wanted to do anything or needed us to anything for him. Turns out, neither. He unpacked and went to visit his grandparents and a friend, and hubby did some work in the back yard and I went for a walk with a friend. Pretty low-key for all of us.

Then, I suddenly found myself with a pressing deadline. Was opening mail from the past week and saw a notice from our cable carrier that they're upgrading our DVR service in the coming weeks so anything currently DVR'd is going to be lost. Oh my. All those Hallmark Christmas movies I didn't make time for!

So, yes, you guessed it. Had to knock some of those off. And, wouldn't you know it, I watched this one and...

It's actually on tonight! Did not realize they're playing winter movies in spring. Then again, we've had winter all during our spring so I guess Hallmark is smarter than we give them credit for. And I won't feel bad missing out on any that get erased. Looks like I can watch them anytime. Any season.

I know. I live a charmed life. And a lazy one today.

And I feel no shame.

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