Saturday, April 13, 2019

Side Tracked

It's possible – more than possible – I got more than a little side-tracked from scrapbooking today. 

First, I helped with an Easter egg hunt (indoors thankfully) at my church, then I posted pictures from that and went to a movie. My friend Cindy and I saw the new take on Dumbo. I liked it but didn't love it. I liked it because the realistic elephant actually made me feel feels and the the additional human story lines were moving, too. This was a Tim Burton project, though, so there was definitely weird things going on with vision and lighting. Still, a good movie and I was delighted to hear another version of Baby, Mine. Love that song!

I did get a little scrapping done after the movie, but then we heard from our old Assumption gang and five of us couples got together tonight. Sometimes spontaneous get-togethers work best. Great to see friends and catch up! Do not feel bad at all that I wasn't home working on the album. Time will real people always trumps.

As for what I did get done, I knew I'd have a few alleyway shots because the streets were narrow and those were even narrower. So I had a two-page spread I called "Side Views" and I've included the photos, too, to help you see them.

When I'm in the photography mode, I always remember to look both ways AND up and down. You never know what you're going to see or what makes a pretty angle.

It's not always a bad thing to get side-tracked.

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