Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Not So Marvel-ous

Hubby and I were off today to go out of town for a funeral. Our friend's brother died unexpectedly at age 50. Quite a shock for our friend, their other brother, and definitely their parents. I can't even imagine. It was a very sad affair and our friend appreciated that we made the trek down to Lake Mills support him. It's pretty much the least and most we can do sometimes.

To cheer up, I thought, let's got to $5 movie night. I could see the new Avengers one for cheap!

Then reality hit and I realized waaaaaiiiiitttt a minute. I am way behind on my Marvel movies. It used to be "our thing" for Carter and I to go to superhero movies together. Always staying past the credits because we knew sneak peeks come then!

Coincidentally, I quit seeing them we he started high school – about the time he was "too cool" for mother-son movie dates. So know I'm some 6 years and 10+ movies behind. That is, if I really feel the need to see them all and get the full picture before seeing Endgame. And I kind of do.

Good thing people recommend which order I should watch...

Of course, there are literally about 20,000 comments on Facebook for and against this suggested order. Quite a few mention ones you can skip altogether, which doesn't help me if I've seen them or still have the other 10-12 to see.

Plus, I missed Captain Marvel in the theater and that is suggested as early viewing. And, of course, it's not even out on video yet.

Not knowing this list, I went to Family Video in town in hopes of at least getting the second 2 Avengers movies and second 2 Captain America ones. Guess what? Our video store is closing. Only two more days to rent. And they did not have all the back titles I needed. Maybe I would have known this if I had visited the store since 2013.

I should also have known that I can probably find most of these on our different streaming services. I think I just needed the distraction.

It worked for today anyway.

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