Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Early Bird

I must have been way too excited to get to bed last night – with only 2 sleeps left until my trip –because I forgot to set my alarm. Thank God the birds have returned and were awake and rejoicing this morning promptly at 6:30 a.m.

Since I couldn't hit the snooze, I had to get up. Got to work early and felt like it was the slowest day ever. Just wanted to get home and finish packing and go!

I did have a few last-minute errands after work and stopped to vote, too. Now I'm basically packed and pondering going to bed just so tomorrow will get here already. I'm pretty excited, if you didn't notice.

Actually, I'm not sure when I'll be checking in with your again. Head to Hudson early and my sister will give me a ride to the airport from there. Land at JFK in New York City for a quick (I better be able to run) layover then it's off to Frankfurt. Since there's a 7-hour time difference, I'll actually land there around 10:30 a.m. local time on Thursday. Then hop a bus (well, find it first) and go down to Heidelberg. Then get my bearings and walk 10 minutes to my hotel, where Carter will meet me as soon as class gets done. Probably close to the same time I arrive.

Lots of "big girl" moments in those first few hours. Thank goodness other countries know English and use it so I won't be completely lost at any time. Maybe partially, but I'll get through it. Right now, my excitement is overriding any anxiety.

By a lot.

Auf Wiedersehen!

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