Saturday, April 20, 2019

Pretty Much Par-fect

If you ignore the snow piles here and there, it was a pretty perfect (or PAR-fect) day for golfing. Not a cloud in the sky and temps in the mid to upper 60s, we had to go for it!

Hubby and I met our friends Scott and Sandy at Foxfire in Waupaca, sort of a halfway point for them (Green Bay area) and us. Lots of people had the same idea. Was pretty busy and a bit slow at times but then, who cares? We're outside. If feels like spring. And we're golfing with friends. Let's take our time.

There were a few spots where it was pretty wet – and not just the water hazards. But for the most part, not in bad shape for April.

So no excuses – other than not swinging a club in many, many months! I did get to do one par dance. That will keep me coming back. Ha.

The four of us had dinner in the club house after and made plans for a second outing this summer – hopefully a full weekend in July. By then I should be back in the swing of it and we definitely won't have to worry about snow piles in the sand bunkers.

At least I hope not.

Cross your fingers that spring has sprung for real! Because it's pretty awesome.

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