Monday, March 27, 2023

Beach, Please

It's Spring Break in the greater Wisconsin Rapids area this week. It means nothing to my personal schedule anymore. I only know about it because of coach's practice schedule–daily but sparsely populated. 

So while the warm sunny beach photos start rolling from parts way south, I figured I'd share some beach picture so my own.

In my search for eagles yesterday, I made a point of stopping at the Petenwell County Park just in case my favorite feathered friends were hanging at the edge of the ice. Not the case. But I walked the "beach" anyway for a bit. And my weird photographic eye caught a few interesting images...

Lovely day for a lake view. Pretty sure that bench will be vacant for a minute.

Not a boat or angler in sight.

Plenty of beach sand here. Can I Photoshop over the Adams County landscape with something more akin to Cancun? Nah.

Got closer to the "water" and when this little ice shelf appeared, I became a bit obsessed with it. In Alaska when we'd see these, it meant running water from a melting glacier was underneath.

Didn't check the water underneath or even see how far away it was from this rock, for instance. But let's assume it was cold. 

Thanks to crouching in the dirt, I might have tried to convince you this was a big ice shove over a mountain for all you know. The magic of camera angles.

I loved how the shoreline snowbanks were breaking apart in pretty consistent sized and shaped parts. Some days we all fall apart, don't we?

Never saw these empty! Just waiting for spring, well LATE spring, for guests.

Ready for a picnic? I'll meet you there. You might have to wait a bit so bundle up!

Seriously, though, enjoy your beach time if you're really on break this week. I can't complain since I still have touches of my Caribbean tan. Your timing is better, though. I had four month of winter on my return and you only have two!

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