Saturday, March 18, 2023

Wind Fall

 windfall: an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage

In addition to the 20-30 mph wind gusts and resulting wind chills today (not exaggerating), my windfall was more in line with enjoyable riches in life.

Had a nice time as always at Book Club this morning. All 6 of us regulars were there so it was good to catch up. Oh and talk about a book. I highly recommend Remarkably Bright Creatures. I gave it a rare (fo me) 5 out of 5 rating!

After that, I picked up neighbors Cindy and Terri and we checked out the Spring (not quite) vendor sale at the Outpost Ranch. We each found some treasures, including gifts for others and I'm pretty sure we each got some cute shirts for ourselves. We figured long-sleeve season wasn't going away any time soon.

When I got home in early afternoon I planned on getting a few things done but accidentally took a 2-hour nap on my recliner. Remind of that the next time I brag about staying out 'til midnight like a youngster!

This evening, we gathered with a bunch of friends at Assumption for dinner and a show – their first talent show. That was very entertaining! The talents ranged from singing and dancing to juggling and martial arts. Oh, and a trickster goat.

Our friends' sons were the emcees and pretty funny. I was surprised how many boys there were competing. I figured they'd worry about getting picked on more than girls. But they just had fun with it. Love that. And loved seeing all the talent. 

And loved that I didn't take one picture. Look at me taking a night off seriously!

Hope you find a way to enjoy this last weekend of winter (according to the calendar, anyway). Be careful out there! 

P.S. There's plenty of reasons I didn't mention my bracket today. And I won't.

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