Thursday, March 16, 2023

It IS a Work Day

I find this funny because I still get peeved when I make a bad pick in Round 1 – even if I have no money on the line and it's allegedly for FUN!

Unrelated... was it just me or did the internet seem to slow way down at work, starting around 11 a.m.?

It seriously did and when co-workers mentioned it, I said I had a pretty good idea why. 

But again, I'm not competitive (ha) nor do I have any interest in watching all the games to keep my bracket up to date. Well, so part of that is a lie, too.

Anyway, hope you all are faring better than any of us who had Virginia or Arizona doing diddly beyond the first round. Or second round in my case. Gah. Good thing this is all in good fun! 

Maybe St. Patty's Day will bring more luck!

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