Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Three Strikes and You're Undeliverable

We're thankful the refrigerator magnet made it safely – and as scheduled – to North Carolina, because the three other deliveries have been a nightmare. Spoiler alert: The U.S. Postal Service for the win!

First item two weeks ago was just a simple envelope with a cashier's check that absolutely, positively had to get there overnight. In fact I paid $120-plus to be sure it did. And it turned into a nightmare of tracking it down since they claimed in their tracking system that it was "undeliverable."

Then last week, a desk I ordered for Carter to work from home was "attempted delivery" one day and the next day they had to track it down in their apartment complex. That's when they discovered that there's an Amazon mail center. So Amazon packages are delivered there when delivered by an Amazon truck. Not to the actual apartment or even building.

Today was a couch of all things. The app said it was "delivered" by UPS but it was nowhere to be found. Not in the main office. Not in the Amazon mail center, even though it was ordered through Amazon. How does one lose a couch?

Carter called the UPS hotline while walking around and checking out the other 10 apartment buildings in their complex. He found it at one. Definitely wrong building even though it was numbered correctly on the address label.

This has been a nightmare. Glad the USPS got his magnet there. Ha.

I told him if he needs to buy an office chair, he's just going to have to go the Staples and strap it to the roof of his Honda Accord! Pretty much means no more big gifts from Amazon Prime Momma. Next time, I'll just drive it out there myself.

Hey, now. I might be onto something there... 17-hour road trip, anyone?

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