Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Cheers, Ladies!

I don't always appreciate all the random, sort of made-up holidays these days. I mean except National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. That's a pretty good one. And today's International Women's Day is pretty good, too.

Just an opportunity to recognize all the amazing women in my life!

Shout out to my mom for somehow doing most of the "raising" of us 8 kids while my dad was out on the road. I don't know how or if she kept her sanity. And I'm definitely not judging her one way or the other.

I'm thankful for the female teachers in high school and college that supported my dreams of becoming a writer and proving women can succeed in a male-dominated profession. We're talking newspapers, people. I'm THAT old.

I'm super grateful for the friends who get me for who I am. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not. I don't have to impress. Just be. And have a good time, of course.

Love my sisters in real life and sister friends who like to be goofy and laugh and basically be non-filtered. Good belly laughs cure all ills as far as I'm concerned.

I am blessed to have had some amazing female co-workers over the years who've proven to be a source of inspiration and support and, most importantly, of friendship.

Then there's my church ladies, my book club, my golf friends, all my nieces and cousins, the incredible women who've claimed the hearts of our three brown-eyed bandits. and the amazing mothers of all those athletes I capture behind the lens.

Wow, there are so many of you Wonder Women out there! Thanks for being a part of my life. And touching my heart. I appreciate you today and every day!

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