Sunday, March 12, 2023

WTH :: What the Hotdog?

I tuned into the Oscars even though the only nominate movie I've seen is Maverick. Yes, that's Miss Block Buster me. Anyway, I did shed a tear when Jamie Lee Curtis gave her acceptance speech. 

But they lost me at Mr. Hotdog Hands.

I'm beyond clueless here. But I'm probably going to head back out to the TV and keep watching anyway. I'll just bluff my way through. And per usual, compile a list of movies I "should see" even if they're not longer available on big screens with a big bucket of popcorn.

I already know I want to see The Whale. Any other suggestions? 

I mean, except for Mr. Hotdog Hands. I just can't stomach it!

Alright. Commercials are done. I'll see which comes first tonight... The Best Picture award. Or my bedtime.

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