Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hump Day Happenings

I am multi-tasking to the max right now. While my ingredients for my jello salad cool, I am downloading picture files for work and trying to blog ... hoping all 3 turn out! Here are some Hump Day happenings...

Scenic Sunrise: Some days it's worth it to drag our butts out of bed before dawn when we are treated to a beautiful sunrise. Today the sun was a huge red ball. I tried to take a picture in the moving car and prayed for a red light in Plover so I could hold the camera steady, but we didn't get it. So my pictures are likely super blurry. It just happened that my friend Jean took this one of the same sunrise (of course) over the lake in Scandinavia -- probably right before we drove by it on our way to Iola!

Bracketology: I don't know if it's because he's a math whiz or because he gets up 30 minutes early every day to watch ESPN Sportscenter, but Carter is leading our NCAA pool at work! Yes, my 5 bucks paid for his entry fee but I suppose if he can hang on and win after this "anything can happen" weekend, I'll let him collect his winnings. We'll see. I guess we'll take it one round at a time...

God Time: We all had our special time with God tonight. Carter had to acolyte at the Wednesday evening service. I was a church basement lady and helped clean up after the soup supper. And hubby got to commune one on one with God in nature... on the golf course. I might join that church! I'm just glad he got to go out so he could say he golfed in March. We still have 10 days left of the month, maybe I'll be able to say that, too.

Snow Birds: With this early jump on Spring, we've seen all nature of flying creatures making their way back north. As I type this, my sister Rayna and husband Paul are aboard a plane from Texas, landing in Minnesota tonight. They are making a special trip for our mom's birthday party extravaganza this weekend. Can't wait to see them. For once, they did not have to pack their winter coats to come "home" for a visit!

Oh, the timer just went off. I gotta put my Martha Stewart hat back on. Hope you had a happy Hump Day!

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