Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wee Bit O' Fun

70 degrees at 8:40 pm. You'd think it's summer, but there was one obvious green thing missing from this St. Patrick's Day... grass.

It's still ugly, dead brown, but really, that's to be expected in mid-March. It just didn't FEEL like March! And I'm OK with that. It didn't spoil my Irish holiday one bit.

I really don't get that into St. Patty's Day. You'd think I would since I'm from Luck. But I'm 100% scandihoovian so it hardly matters to me. I fake it for Jim and Carter since they've got the blarney in their blood! I think Jim's 1/8 Irish so Carter's 1/16... just enough to warrant a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" smooch.

Since we went out to eat last night and wore green yesterday, today was just, well, Saturday. As luck would have it, I did get out of some spring cleaning, just like I hoped. I ended up doing a freelance design/editing job this morning so I could earn some gold for my pot. After that, though, I figured I better do something.

So I went for a walk/run. It must have gotten up to 80 or close to it today because it was way too hot to be trotting around the neighborhood. I only went 2 miles. Then continued to work up a sweat when I got home... mopping the floors. Oh yes I did! I even washed some windows. But that was the extent of it today.

Had to watch some hoops for my wee bit o' fun, you know.

We grilled out brats for supper with the next-door neighbors and watched the Badgers win. Also caught some high school state tourney action, too. But not a whole lot. It's hard to watch TV when it's so darn nice out. And we know it won't last.

I called my mother this afternoon and sat out on the swing on the back deck. We both wished we could bottle up this weather today and save it for next Saturday when we throw her big 80th birthday bash. At least from the long-range forecast, it looks snow-free next weekend. It might be half the temperature it is today, but that shouldn't stop people from coming. I hope not. My family may not be Irish, but we do count on luck once in awhile!

Hope you enjoyed your St. Patty's Day!

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