Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Padness

Nothing quite initiates a long overdue reunion with Jillian Michaels than the threat of jean shopping. Oh I know hubby's trying to be nice, but all I can think of is, "I don't want to shop for this size!"

Just give me the month of March to get rid of some padding, and we'll go from there.

I had hoped today would be sunny and mild so I could get out for a run of sorts. It got sunny but not really warm enough to melt the frozen slush junk on the roads and our driveway. So I decided to dust off the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred DVD and give it go.

Yikes. I can tell I've been off the cardio wagon awhile. This is like starting over. I suspect as bad as I thought it was today, it will be worse tomorrow when those unused muscles wonder why I woke them from their long winter's nap.

I guess I'll deal with it. I figure since I may have to "tough it out" with some medication side effects this week, along with an unwelcome procedure, how hard can it be to survive sore muscles? I suppose they'll thank me later, right?

I'll just treat this like I have everything else lately --with baby steps... which would make it logical for the March pad-ness to pitter pad-der out the door!

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