Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Breakers

Whoa, I am tired. I just finished work 3 minutes ago!

OK, I'll admit, I had a 5-hour break for supper, but still... uff da. I am so glad I have a 3-day weekend ahead of me -- even if it means lots of travel and some pre-party work before Mom's big shindig on Saturday. A thunderstorm cooled things off so it will be great sleeping weather and no, I repeat NO, alarms set in the house.

We are officially on Spring Break!

Well, Daddy and Mommy get one whole day off. Tomorrow. Carter gets tomorrow off. AND all next week. Lucky!

I asked if he has any homework and he said no, even the teachers said, "There's a reason it's called spring 'break'!" So they get a break from homework... except for reading and an extra-credit movie. Would have been a perfect year to go somewhere for vacation.

Oh, but we are. Up North, Wisconsin, here we come! A week ago we could have said we were going somewhere warm. Not so this weekend. But there shouldn't be any sightings of that white stuff.

I guess this is our winter "break." Hope it lasts longer than my spring one!

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