Friday, March 9, 2012

Recovery Zone

You know sometimes you are so tired you say you'll fall asleep before your head hits the pillow? It can happen.

I really haven't been sleeping the greatest lately and got very little Wednesday night, getting home at midnight after the play. It all caught up with me by last night. I told Carter at 9 p.m. I was going to lay down. I was going to figure out which book to start reading and the next thing I know, hubby is home from the boys' basketball game and it is 11:30. Whoa.

Carter told me this morning he came in to say good night and had to shut my light off because I was out. Big time.

Meanwhile I am in La La Land and hubby is having another stressful travel experience. All of the Assumption fans did. The sectional game was up in Antigo. After our boys lost, they had to travel home in blinding snow (in parts) and icy roads (in other parts). In fact they had to exit off the freeway to avoid a 5-car pileup due to black ice. Scary. Some of our fans were involved in accidents, but thankfully Jim wasn't one of them. He was riding with other people so I am so grateful to them for getting him home safely!

Today we really, really would have liked it to be Saturday so we could just sleep in and recover. We'll have wait.

Had a hard time getting up but had a productive day at work even though I had to leave a bit early so I could go see Dr. Fun for a not-so-fun procedure. He had to take some things out that shouldn't be there and hope they never come back. So I will have a little recovery time for that, too. It's all going to be OK.

To take our mind off things, we went to watch the Assumption girls in their regional semi-final tonight against Laona. They fell behind early but some miraculous comeback ensued and they didn't stop. Our girls ended kicking major butt that second half and won 68-28! Onto the regional final at home tomorrow night!

All this excitement is making me tired. Or I could say, all this "awake" time is making me tired. I think I've typed long enough for my bed to heat up. Time to go to sleep and see if I can't do that "sleep before hittng the pillow" trick 2 nights in a row.


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