Sunday, March 11, 2012

Winter Wait

The weather forecasters are going to be shown some serious love this week. We really have sprung forward into spring and it is wonderful. The winter wait is over.

I can't imagine there was anyone in our neck of the woods who did not open all their windows today and air our their houses. It was nice to let the fresh, clean air in ... and watch the winter dust swirl around. Well, just a teeny bit.

This has got to be a favorite day for pets, too. Our cat, confined permanently indoors, ran from window to window to screen door to determine which was the best place for sunbathing without too much wind. When I went outside to stretch my legs a few miles this afternoon, I saw no less than 4 dogs taking their owners out for a springtime walk. What an awesome day!

The only thing I don't like about the winter wait being over is that the winter weight is not!

First time putting shorts on and ouch. That's not a good look. My body put on some major fluff during hibernation so I better get more than just a spring in my step. It better be hopping! Probably a good thing we're not going anywhere for spring break in a few weeks. I have a little extra time before ice cream season -- I mean swimsuit season.

Uff da. My "good choices" part of the brain must still be in hibernation!

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