Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Fa-la-la-ing

My Texas sister Rayna and I hosted our family Christmas party today in Siren. This way, everyone did not have to travel 4 hours to my house or 3 days to hers. And we still were considered the hosts!

We used a meeting room/banquet room and crammed in 31 of us with no problem. Had a good lunch with everything from hot tamales and Texas barbecued brisket to cheesy potatoes and our traditional sugar crisp cookies. I really shouldn't have to eat for 2 days. But I will, of course.

We had our traditional program for my parents, with each of us siblings and our clan presenting something -- this year with the theme of favorite Christmas carols. My family did a bit on bells and my twin impressively managed to get every niece and nephew participating in hers. Funny stuff and emotional stuff all around. It always ends with my parents telling us how grateful they are that we are all there with  them and, naturally, such an awesome family.

We are!

I love my family. Had fun playing games later and got a few gifts, too. Viking beads I can't live without and, from my twin, a ticket to go with her to the Broadway show "Rock of Ages!" Now I've got until May to get my '80s hair back. Ha. Should be fun!

We have two more "Christmases" to go this week so I better get some shut-eye so we can leave Siren early enough tomorrow. Plus, Santa still sees me when I'm sleeping -- so I better give him something to do!

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