Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but this comfy Viking blanket and the Hallmark Channel are so delightful...

Thankfully I have no place to go. Today anyway.

It was actually an "official" snow day for all of us. They closed down our office at work today so I didn't have to worry about attempting the drive anyway. So I stayed in my jammies and worked at the computer while hubby was out snowblowing our driveway and the neighbor's -- and Carter, well, Carter was a typical teenager and slept through it all. I did wake him up at 10 just so he would be able to get to sleep tonight!

Jim had to do snow removal in two rounds today. In the midmorning and then again in late afternoon. I guess our total was something between 10-11 inches. It was windy but at least it wasn't icy and we kept our power. It was a lot worse in other parts of Wisconsin.
It does look pretty though, doesn't it? It makes me think of Christmas songs about winter wonderlands. Or frosty snowmen or my favorite things... which today happen to be gingerbread tea with a splash of eggnog ... and the Hallmark Channel.

Better get back to it. This snow day is almost over!

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