Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Festive Fifteen

Other than candy canes and figgy pudding (whatever that is), there aren't many Christmas carols or stories that actually mention food. Yet somehow it is the center of most holiday celebrations.

It's no wonder the Festive Fifteen looms as dangerous to most of us as the Freshman Fifteen does for college students. It's almost inevitable, isn't it? I mean we could fight it, but how? And more importantly, why? It's the only time of year I get Schwan's Peppermint Stick Ice Cream, all varieties of cookies and fudge and, of course, eggnog in every conceivable way.

I don't want to miss out!

I guess it's no wonder that when I came across this cartoon, I laughed right out loud. And guiltily avoided the scale the rest of the day.
Today we had our holiday potluck at work. I did very well with my "portion control" during the main meal. It was the second plate that did me in. OK it was a very small plate but there were sooooo many dessert treats to choose from, a person (with or without self control) couldn't choose just one. (And might I add, the eggnog fudge was divine.)

Honestly, I felt so full of sugar by early afternoon, I was convinced Popeye would nickname ME Sweet Pee, er Pea. Now I've crashed from the sugar high and am ready for bed! It's a good thing I don't have that many eating engagements on the calendar this season. Or I might not even be able to hold myself up in a plank position for 15 seconds!

I just have to be sure the Festive Fifteen is something more like a manageable Festive Five. Either way, my scale will run and hide in January as usual... while I suck on the last candy canes and gobble down the last red-and-green spice drops...

Just to get them out of the house, of course.

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