Saturday, December 15, 2012

Rain Date

When the weather forecasters casually mention the possibility of freezing rain or icy snow, I tend to pay attention.

This morning, after only maybe 5 hours of sleep, I got up and wanted to be sure that dangerous traveling weather wasn't heading our way too soon since we had boys to deliver home at some point. They were not as concerned as they slept until 11 a.m. But when I checked the forecast and realized it was just going to rain -- for the next 24 hours -- I didn't disturb them.

So what does one do on a rainy wintry day? With my lack of sleep, I wanted to opt for a day on the couch with some serious bonding with the Hallmark Channel. It was nothing close to that.

After making the boys brunch, hubby and I headed into town on a rain "date" to do a little shopping. We really just needed to pick up one birthday gift, one Christmas gift and our family Christmas party essentials (plates, napkins, etc.). That took awhile... as everyone in the Rapids area apparently had the same idea. What a zoo! Glad our list was short, but that still took time!

Got home and my goal was to get the presents wrapped. All of them. Came close. Am waiting for a thing or two coming next week, but other than that, it's all wrapped and ready for delivery. Whoo-hoo! About the time I was done, I was past my need for a nap, though. I did lay down for a half hour but didn't sleep. Then it was time to get up and energized for a surprise 50th birthday party.

This wasn't the typical surprise party setup where we wait for the special guest to arrive at an agreed-to location. Instead, we all met at a house and drove in a caravan over to the birthday boy's house and surprised him. Since his birthday was earlier in the month, he thought he dodged the bullet. But his wife had other plans. And it worked! He was surprised.

So it was another night with friends -- playing games and chatting and laughing... and not getting home until 1 a.m. again.

I better be careful or I might actually be getting a social life.

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