Saturday, December 1, 2012

Run, Run, Rudolph!

On Dasher... On Dancer... On Prancer... On Vixen...

Santa wasn't exactly cracking the whip today but 4 of the Desperate Reindeer of Blue Jay Drive got up early and headed south to Nekoosa for the first-ever Heart of Wisconsin Reindeer Run 5K. I was sooo tired from my minimal sleep last night, but I did fine.

We planned ahead that we would all wear antlers or Santa hats on our heads and Christmas socks over running tights!
I had found a Rudolph hat when Carter and I shopped in Eau Claire. It covered my ears so I liked that today. It was in the upper 30s but a bit windy.

We're like a chorus line here.. Dasher (Cindy), Dancer (Niki), Prancer (Niki's daughter Mya) and Vixen (oh yes, I call Vixen. Tee hee.)
Love our fun and festive feet? They didn't actually help us run faster, but it didn't matter -- it was an untimed event. An actual "fun run" with no competition.

I couldn't handle that so just treated it like a race. Didn't walk, ran the whole thing, even though it ended up being almost 3.5 miles instead of 3.1. No wonder my time was off a bit! We had fun, though, and it was very festive. If people didn't have their own headgear, antlers were provided! Plus, Rudolph was there to lead the race ... the first 3 blocks anyway.

Afterward, I came home and showered and Carter and I went to the 6th-grade girls basketball tournament at Assumption. I went to see my friend Jenny's daughter Allison play (Carter babysat her last summer) and Carter went because the 9th-grade girls basketball players had to help out with the tournament. (He's so transparent sometimes!)

Saw one game and came home to get a few things done. Then I dropped Carter back off at the tournament and went to ring the bell for the Salvation Army from 3-5 p.m. I had to follow a shift of two elderly gentlemen who played Christmas carols on their trumpets. Very tough act to follow. I wore my Rudolph hat, though, and that helped attract attention and, more importantly, donations!!

My feet, back and hip were tired by the time that was over. But always worth it when it's such a small gesture to help! When I was done, I stopped back at the school to get Carter and see Allison play her last game of the day. Then it was homeward bound!

Hubby pretty much had the house to himself until 7:30 tonight! Now the Badgers are on so I couldn't get a seat on the couch or chair in the living room if I wanted to. There's a chance there's a Christmas movie on somewhere so I may just have to go down in the basement and watch.

Right now, though, I just don't think I would have the energy to come back up!

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