Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Shorter

The calendar doesn't lie. My days definitely are getting shorter. Of course, if I rolled out of bed at a decent time, I'd have plenty of hours to get things done.

I was so exhausted after two late nights  followed by two early mornings, that this morning, I just slept until my body was refreshed. Yes, I got up before noon. No, Carter didn't. I had his door open at 11 a.m. and was making some noise but he didn't budge 'til I nudged him after noon. Now the challenge will be falling asleep tonight. (I'm up for the challenge!)

Since my day was short, I had to take advantage of the non-raining daylight hours to get a run/walk in. Then I had some Amish Friendship Bread and Muffins to bake while keeping tabs on the Vikings game. It was not on our network here but we saw updates while watching the Bears blow it in their totally possible game to win against the Packers. Shoot.

Just glad the Vikings won.

After the games I found a few more presents to wrap, then went grocery shopping and made supper. After supper, the three of us played a game each of Scrabble and 10,000 (a dice game). Daddy was the winner of both but graciously thanked Carter and me for inviting him to play. Whatever.

Next time!

We called my parents after that and I was relieved to hear my dad has had 2 good non-painful weeks! Yeah! They enjoyed talking to Carter and I am not sure what they all talked about since I wasn't near him the whole time. I wouldn't be surprised if he mentioned to them, too, that he wants a ping-pong table for Christmas. He is relentless about this and, sadly, it's not going to happen.

Today I reiterated that there just isn't room in our basement so he went downstairs and reorganized even more. I said, "Carter, stop already! It's not happening." Not 10 minutes later he shows me a picture on the computer of something else he wants. Really? Still adding to the list? I said, "You really think Santa's not done shopping yet?"

I could tell he is disappointed about the ping-pong thing. Now, no matter what he gets, it's not going to be as good as he hoped. Oh well, I did break down and got something close to what he wants. But he doesn't have to know that. And I certainly hope he'll be fine with it.

By then, the days will be longer so we'll have plenty of time to find out!

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