Saturday, December 8, 2012

''The Pretty Lady'

Anyone who's played in Pep Band (or listened to one) knows one of the fun songs is The Stripper. Just think of the melody in your head and you'll be swaying back and forth in no time. Right?

I don't know if it's because it's a Catholic school or what, but Carter's band director does not call that song The Stripper. She calls it The Pretty Lady.

So I guess I was a Pretty Lady today. Yup, the painter came and took a look at our bathroom and said we really have to get the wallpaper backing stripped off. He's not going to be able to paint over it in case pieces decide to flake off at some point.

So it was back to stripping.

Good thing we didn't have much scheduled for the weekend. I put in a couple of hours then HAD to go to a cosmetic/skin care party. I left and told the guys, "I'll be back in an hour to start stripping again." Well that turned into 2 hours or so. I didn't know we were doing the whole Beauty Queen Makeover thing! But it was nice.

And, when I got home and changed back into my grubby workin' clothes, I was still the best-looking Pretty Lady in the house!

Hubby ended up helping a lot. It was good to take turns since we both don't have the best backs in the world and you really end up using muscles not typically exercised with our desk jobs. No, we did not finish today. Jim had a few-hour break, too, taking Carter to the batting cage. And I reserved the couch for a 7 p.m. Hallmark Christmas movie. Now it's probably too late to do any more. I mean you're not supposed to "work out" too close to bedtime, are you?

We "pretty ladies" need our beauty sleep!

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