Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Robyn's Workshop

I was somewhat of a cross between Martha Stewart and an elf on speed today. In the end, it was as productive a day off as I could have hoped! And I still have time to get  few more things done.

Rolled out of bed after 8 (sounds great already, doesn't it?). Had the last cup of coffee in the pot then got down to business...

Did one load of laundry, baked 3 loaves of banana bread, baked 3 dozen Amish Friendship Bread muffins, made 100-some Christmas pretzel/chocolate kiss treats, put up and decorated the tree, decked a few halls and even squeezed in 1 1/2 Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. (I was interrupted for the last half -- but I'd seen it before. No surprise.)

Oh yes, it was a good day.

I also wrapped up my Christmas shopping and card project and may even get some wrapping of presents done tonight. I just gotta see if there's something on Hallmark I could watch at the same time.

I may be on vacation, but I still have to multi-task!

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