Friday, December 28, 2012

Let it Snow?

We were told by the weathermen that we were just going to get a dusting of snow today, maybe accumulating to an inch. It turned out to be a couple inches. Like we needed any more.

It made for snow-covered and slippery roads so hubby was nice enough to drive me to the chiropractor this afternoon so I didn't have to battle with the road conditions. He dropped me off and while I was getting "adjusted," he made a Golden Arches run and got me an eggnog shake! Did I mention he was the best hubby in the world??

When we got home we decided it was time to turn over the snow removal reins to the teenager. Whether he liked it or not.

Snowblowing 101: Follow your lines closely to avoid unnecessary "laps." Watch which direction your snow is blowing.
Jim handled the shoveling and I took pictures. I'm sure I was busy doing something. I just can't remember what.
Carter did the neighbor's driveway, too. He agreed that snowblowing is better than shoveling. Don't we all? Now we'll be fighting over the snowblower to see who has to shovel. I might as well just stay out of this fight and let them handle it. Right?

So besides having a new snow slave (let it snow!), our other good news today is that Sylvester had a clean bill of health at the vet. She had her annual visit -- that only Jim dares to take her to -- and the doc said she is more like a 2-year-old than an 8-year-old. She is that healthy!

She even maintained the same healthy weight for at least three years in a row now. Maybe I should be more like a cat. Take naps. Act like a princess. I think I'm getting the lazy princess part down during vacation. Before I start licking my paws I figured I better get motivated today. So I reacquainted myself with the treadmill and did not watch any Hallmark movies.

I watched a chick flick tonight -- The Lucky One -- but that was between folding clothes and staying out of the line of fire in the ping-pong arena! It had to be done.

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