Tuesday, December 18, 2012


What moves you?

I know my motivation is kicked into high gear this week as I try to get two weeks' worth of work done in one so I can have next week off. Add to that, today's motivation: Snow!

Or, maybe I should say BLIZZARD! This is what is allegedly coming down the pike....

Yes, that little line of "locally" totals is pointing right at us! This means there is a 99.9% chance I am working from home on Thursday. Hubby is on vacation and there are not enough anti-anxiety pills in my arsenal to get me to attempt that drive on my own. Plus, they are already discouraging it!

I am more concerned at this point for my sister Rayna and brother-in-law Paul who are trekking north from Texas to Wisconsin this week. I hope the blizzard is passed and roads are clear by the time they hit the Midwest late Thursday and early Friday. If they can just get past the narrow band (if the whole state of Iowa could be called that), then they should be home free! Let's hope!

I can still get plenty of work done at home Thursday and be back in the office Friday. IF the weather man is right. I think they still have another day here to correct the path of the storm. After all, they started predicting this on Sunday.

In the meantime, it's business as usual. Had a holiday potluck at work today for our division and ate too much. Got home and changed into warm clothes to do my last bell-ringing stint of the season. This time I brought a CD player with me so I could play Christmas music. That and the reindeer hat certainly put people in the giving spirit... plus it helped the time go by quicker. It also helped I ran into a few people I knew. Those short visits help pass the time, too.

I could have come straight home after that but stopped to see the boys basketball game versus Marathon. We got smoked by 40 points. Yup, I could have come straight home and I wouldn't have missed anything.

But I suppose it would have given me more time to dwell on the weather that I cannot control!

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