Saturday, January 26, 2013

Carving Out Some Fun

It takes some dedication to spend hours in freezing temperatures and not get paid for it. Either that or it's a darn good cause.

Let's go with the latter.

Carter and I and dozens and dozens of people got their creative juices flowing in sub-zero weather and managed to keep those juices from freezing as it warmed up to almost 20. The event was the Souper Snow Sculpture Spectacular, held as a fundraiser for the South Wood County Humane Society -- the wonderful place where we adopted Sylvester!

When we saw it was minus 3 degrees on our way out the door, we bundled up pretty good. Thankfully it was sunny and not too windy. We only got cold a few times and the decent weather probably helped with both participation and attendance. Lots of people!

Some of the highlights...

Upon arrival the parking lot almost looks like a lake filled with ice-fishing shanties. But these are just chunks of snow. Well large chunks and more icy crap than snow. But we all had to make it work!
Carter and I were helping out with Empty Bowls masterpiece since I am on the event planning committee. (That's the anti-hunger project I mentioned a few weeks ago.) It takes a vision to turn this into something worth looking at!
The man with a mission, a vision AND a blueprint  -- our fearless leader Pastor Josh!
No, we weren't playing King of the Hill. We all had jobs and it took team work!
One of Carter's jobs was coloring the letters. We could not use any paint (chemicals), only food coloring in water. That did the trick, though, since it was so cold.

After "painting" the letters, we had to dig around them (pick ice) to make them stand out. Here, team member Sharon chips away. I mainly helped with this and the coloring part.
I just don't think they trusted me with sharp instruments! Could it be my gloves??

The "table" is done! Now it's time to shape the bowl and spoon and...
Let's not forget a slice of homemade bread to dip in that soup bowl. Pretty cool, eh?!
Our team!! Carter wasn't in the picture because I had to run him over to school to play pep band for a basketball game. A few other helpers are missing, too. Great work, everyone!

And now a few more highlights from finished projects... Here is something for the Brewers fans.
Some type of animal driving a car. Still in progress.

Neat one from Hearts Media Company.
Just some critter that likes to eat little kids for lunch!
High School art students work under the sea.
Slow-moving snow creature!
Not sure who won today but I am pretty sure it has to be this group with their fantastic roller coaster!

You can tell by the detail they have some experience doing this! Of course, next year WE will be experienced, too!

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