Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On the White Side

I'm tempted to rename my blog On the White Side since that's all I've been seeing today.

The weather man was right about the winter storm, but much to Carter's chagrin, school was not called off for a second day. I honestly kind of thought it would be. And I thought maybe our office would be closed since all the schools around Iola were called off.

Here's me at the computer at 6 a.m., 6:15, 6:25, 6:27, 6:30... looking at the website for school closings and looking at our work email. Just hitting refresh. Hoping to see a change.


So off to work we go. If hubby was still on the West Coast, I would have stayed west of Iola today. At home. But he was willing to drive and brave it so we did. And we watched the snow fall and fall and fall... all through the morning.

Who's up for a coffee break in the courtyard?

 No one, apparently...
 Except some snow people... sort of! Pretty funky, huh?

Just about the time I looked out the back breakroom window and saw this lovely scene of buried cars, they called off work. Seriously. They shut down the office at 2 p.m. and told us all to go home. Carefully.

Poor Jim. I'm warming up inside the CRV and he's swinging a snow brush just 48 hours after swinging a golf club.
And he doesn't look too happy about it! I wouldn't be either! But he's such a trooper, isn't he?

After a long drive home with an average speed of 40 mph, we beat Carter's bus by about 2 minutes. We were not that enthused about heading outside to start the removal process. But then we heard our good neighbor Mike snowblowing our driveway. He's a saint! Since we had 8 inches of snow at that point, Jim still had plenty of work to do on the decks and lower patio, etc.

Carter suddenly had homework he had to get to and I had supper to make. We are loads. That wasn't nice to saddle Dad with all the grunt work!

I wouldn't blame Jim if he is counting down the 5 days 'til he heads to Texas. He won't have his golf clubs with him this time... but he won't have a frozen frown on his face either.

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